Upcoming events:
Past events:
Presentation by Manon Lavaud about “Det særlige som potentiel ressource”, for the four divisions of Baglandet, October 7th 2016
Presentation by Signe Fjordside about ”Det særlige som potentiel ressource”, at the conference KL’s Rusmiddelkonference, October 29th 2015.
Participation and presentation by Signe Fjordside at the innovation camp in Odense: ”Brugerindflydelse – også i voksenlivet!?”, December 2nd 2014. Organised by Platform for Brugerindflydelse, Social Development Centre SUS.
Presentation by Signe Fjordside about the involvement of children and youth in social work, at the conference LOS Landsmøde, Kolding, Denmark, April 7th 2014.
“Det ‘særlige’ som potentiel ressource”. Presentation by Signe Fjordside at a commemoration for Jonas Sekyere, entitled “Vær med til at skabe en lysere fremtid for børn i udsatte livspositioner”, organised by Det Obelske Familiefond and Politiken, at Politikens hus, Copenhagen, December 12th 2013.
“Hvordan bryder vi den sociale arv? At se, værdsætte og give udfoldelsesrum til det særlige” Presentation by Hanne Warming at the conference ‘Blodets Bånd – hvordan gør vi det endnu bedre?’. Fællessalen, Christiansborg, October 7th 2013.
“De unges realkompetencer ud fra egen erfarede virkelighed” 2 workshops by Hanne Warming (stand-in for Jonas Sekyere) and Frank Lund Pedersen at the conference ‘Bedre Teenageanbringelser’. Videnscenter for Familiepleje, Nyborg Strand Hotel, Denmark, November 21st 2012.